معرفة What is a KBr Pellet? 5 Key Points to Know
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What is a KBr Pellet? 5 Key Points to Know

A KBr pellet is a solid sample preparation technique used primarily in infrared spectroscopy.

It involves mixing a small amount of the sample with potassium bromide (KBr) and compressing the mixture under high pressure to form a transparent pellet.

This method is favored due to its ability to adjust the pathlength of the compound of interest, providing a clear advantage over newer techniques like ATR.

5 Key Points to Know About KBr Pellets

What is a KBr Pellet? 5 Key Points to Know

1. Preparation of KBr Pellets

To prepare a KBr pellet, the sample is mixed with KBr in a specific ratio, typically ranging from 0.2 to 1 percent sample concentration.

This low concentration is necessary because the pellet is thicker than a liquid film, and according to Beer's Law, lower concentrations are required to prevent complete absorption or scattering of the IR beam, which could lead to noisy spectra.

The mixture is then subjected to high pressure using a benchtop KBr Pellet Press.

This press is designed to be compact and hand-operated, requiring minimal bench space and no fixed mounting.

It ensures the production of uniform pellets in a polished die, which are then smoothly ejected into a receiver, minimizing the risk of contamination.

2. Properties and Applications

The KBr pellet method exploits the property of alkali halides, like KBr and cesium iodide (CsI), which become plastic under pressure and form transparent sheets in the infrared region.

This transparency allows for the effective measurement of infrared spectra, especially in the low-wavenumber region (400 to 250 cm-1).

KBr pellets are commonly used in various applications of infrared spectroscopy, providing a reliable and efficient way to analyze solid samples.

3. Advantages

The primary advantage of using KBr pellets is the ability to adjust the pathlength of the compound, which is crucial for obtaining accurate and clear spectra.

Additionally, the method is cost-effective and does not require expensive laboratory equipment, making it accessible for various laboratory settings.

Continue exploring, consult our experts

Discover the precision of our KBr Pellet Press for unparalleled IR spectroscopy accuracy!

Our compact, hand-operated presses transform your solid samples into high-quality transparent pellets, maximizing pathlength adjustments for clear, accurate spectra.

Elevate your research with cost-effective, accessible solutions tailored for all laboratory settings.

Trust KINTEK SOLUTION to be your reliable partner in spectroscopy excellence. Start transforming your samples today!

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